Decide whether it should be gerund, infinitive without ‘to’ or infinitive with ‘to’. To see the answers pull drdown the list.
(Seeing/To see) a film on TV is never the same as ....... Seeing a film on TV is never the same as .......
I hadn’t studied very much but I decided (going/to go) to Andorra. I hadn’t studied very much but I decided to go to Andorra.
They support the attack but only (for overhrowing/to overthrow) the present leader. They support the attack but only to overthrow the present leader.
In spite of (supporting/support/to support) the plan, they ..... In spite of supporting the plan, they .....
Poor people cannot afford (paying/to pay) for a good lawyer. Poor people cannot afford to pay for a good lawyer.
As a result, their chances (of avoiding/to avoid) conviction are small. As a result, their chances of avoiding conviction are small. More? Back?